Cottrells in China

These are some of our photos during a faculty exchange between my university (Central Washington University) and Anhui University in Hefei China. We started by heading east from Washington to NYC, DC, France, then China. Since January we're back in the States, missing our many friends in China.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Our apartment in Hefei (tc)

Our apartment in Hefei is in a building right on the walled in campus. In a later post we'll put some outside photos, but this is the inside. We have four rooms in our apartment, and Molly and Dylan have basically the same thing right next door. We use our rooms as the living space, and they come over for dinner and to sit in the livingroom. Here is our living room, a couple of different views
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The next two pictures show the view looking toward our small entry way (a fifth room if you want to count it). We keep our refrigerator in the living room, something we plan on doing at home too.
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Here is the kitchen. There is no hot water, we get hot water downstairs at a common area and fill the thermoses you see on the floor to use in dishwashing. The only "appliances" we have are a microwave oven just off the left side of this photo, and two hot plates. Renee is not baking anything until we come back home in January.
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The last somewhat horrifying image is our bathroom after the first scrub. We have since found a bleaching spray cleaner and the tub walls look pretty good now if I do say so myself. My hands are much whiter now too. There is no shower curtain but there is a drain in the tile floor so you basically shower and let the chips (drips) fall where they may. The toilet is just to the right edge of this photo. There is a small sink in the entry way area, attached to the wall by good intentions but no real sign of support.
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Thats about all there is!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

it all looks familiar, especially the bathroom! The guest house used to give cushions in winter, remove them in spring -- you can try asking! You must be busy...more posts please -- they're great!

2:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Molly you have kept your sense of humor through all the terrible pain and anquish.. I have to say I did get as big of a laugh out of your comment as I enjoyed your dads vivid explanations..

Don't expect me to hug any of you when you return until you have at least showered at a holiday inn express and then voided your poor tired systems of all those toxins you ingest...

7:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think I may have cracked the non blogger code.. Now if I can just show who commented I will have this baby

7:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Molly you have kept your sense of humor through all the terrible pain and anquish.. I have to say I did get as big of a laugh out of your comment as I enjoyed your dads vivid explanations..

Don't expect me to hug any of you when you return until you have at least showered at a holiday inn express and then voided your poor tired systems of all those toxins you ingest...

7:31 AM

7:35 AM  

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